Number ten once regenerated and kept the same face - I had vanity issues at the time.
Boss of the psycho space nuns. So you!
Oh, Doctor, fixing toys and fighting monsters.
如果不常常修理玩具,那怎麼打怪呢? 因為根本分不清誰才是怪物啊。
We all change... when you think about it. We're all different people all through our lives.
And that's OK, that's good, you've got to keep moving, so long as you remember all the people that you used to be.
I saw him on a pier on a rainy day.
I'd seen him before, lots of times. But he just looked so beautiful standing there.
I wanted everything to stop. I wanted nothing to change ever again.
If he could just keep standing there, so beautiful...
雖然 MOD 上有不少我平常會選的影片,如鋼鐵人三、闇黑無界:星際爭霸戰,不過我最近選的影片是名魔生死鬥、派特的幸福劇本這類比較小品的東西,原因是不想讓小孩經過旁邊時,看到太多暴力場景(雖然看了才發現,其實這兩部的內容也不太適合小孩看,特別是名魔生死鬥)。
名魔生死鬥及派特的幸福劇本的故事結構還挺類似的,降到谷底的主角,最後又找回春天,老套到不行。所以情節大綱老套根本不是缺點,就像螢幕比例 16:9、棒球比九局、烤雞是拿雞來烤一樣,只是一種套路規則。重點在於如何處理及敘述這樣的故事。
結局的給分象徵了這回事情。5.0 以上是沒問題,不到 5.0 是壞的,即使多數人給了你低於 5.0 的分數,但真正重要的是有人給你超過 5.0 的分數。
片名的劇本或者 Playbook,就是指戰略、策略。女主角說:"there's always gonna be part of me that's dirty. But I like it"。每個人都有自己瘋狂的一部分,保持正面的態度來看問題,才能找到一線曙光(雖然有點多餘,還是強調一下,不只是正面,還要看問題)。
我主要想說的是,大多數想在 Python 做的邏輯流程,你都能直接在 F# 裡面用類似的思考流完成(Scala 也是)。
例外是 F# 中迴圈沒有 break,沒有 return,也沒有多重繼承。但習慣後就知道如何轉換。
反過來, F# 有了一些思考單元,在 Python 中則要被迫展開。
Go 則完全不同,如果你用 Python 的思考方式常常會不容易實作。通常你也不應該這樣做(雖然我之前就這樣做,但能做不表示要做,hack 本來就是要嘗試不該做的事)。
Go 的思考流跟 C 比較像,而且拿 C 的想法來寫 Go 會很輕鬆,因為可以寫得更簡潔。當然原本就是用 C 的想法寫 Python 的人就沒差(用 C++ 想法的人有差,物件導向)。
Jonathan 時常叮嚀 Clark 不要顯露他的能力,因為 the world is not ready.
其實捨身這件事情,有點像是干將莫邪的捨身煉劍,有種藝術上的必須性。 Jonathan 心中的 Clark 就是將來必有大成的偉大寶劍一樣。原料是有了,但是靈魂還沒有完善。
如同 Jor-El 一樣,Jonathan 也將 Clark 視為未來,自己信念的延續。
Jonathan 問 Clark,難道種種田不也是幫助人嗎?為什麼一定要用超能力來救人?
他的意思並不是要 Clark 待在小鎮一輩子不出去。
他的問題就只是一個問題。 如果 Clark 連這麼簡單的問題都無法很有信心、很清楚的回答,那他還沒有準備好。
世界還沒準備好沒錯,但世界永遠也不會準備好。 問題不在於世界是不是準備好了,而是你有沒有準備好面對這個不理想的世界。
好吧,你可能會說,這是能力不夠強的緣故。那讓我加強一下你的能力。你每天可以選擇跟以前一樣救一個人,或者救最多十個人,但之後三十天都不能救人。這時候當有人求你多再救一兩個人的時候,之前你可以攤手說抱歉,剛才用掉了,明天請早。現在要怎麼說?因為你還不夠慘,一個月內還會有比你更需要幫助的人的機率是 0.673。
能力越強,煩惱會越多。心理如果不夠成熟,最簡單的作法就是完全把良心丟掉,很簡單的訂個價格,一千萬起跳下標,價高者得。 額外名額三億起跳。
所以小時候的 Clark 會害怕的把自己關起來,說世界太大了。他的養母給了他不錯的回答,後來牧師也給他不錯的回答。他的養父也以生命做例子,告訴他堅守自己的信念,可以到怎麼樣的地步。但養父不直接給他答案,因為只有他自己去找,才能找到自己的答案、自己的定位(而不是被指定的答案,被指定的角色。不然就像原克利普頓星人一樣了)。
當然很離譜的是, Clark 居然能遇到這種干將莫邪等級的養父母。也許就像時生一樣吧,父母其實也會與小孩一同成長。
If , then iff there is a key of type in a box of type . for every palidrone by Cauchy-Schwarz inequility.
Denote by the number of boxes of type and the total number of keys of type (including the keys you start with and keys in boxes).
Theorem. All box can be opened iff for every , and there is a directed path from to in graph .
If , then we don’t have enough keys of type to open all boxes of type .
If there is no path from to , then it means we are unable to get any key of type .
We prove this by induction on the number of boxes. Denote by the number of boxes.
Assume for every , and there is a directed path from to in graph .
Case :
Then all vertices in are leaves except and the type of the only box. So there must be an edge from 0 to the type of the box.
Case :
Suppose the theorem holds for the case with boxes.
There are at least one . Consider we open a box of type (that contains a key of type if possible). Assume we destroy the key and the box just opened, then we have a setting of boxes. In this setting, we still have for all . Let be the directed graph of this -box setting.
If , then all children of in become children of , can still reach all other types in .
Assume .
If , then we can open a box of type that contains a key of type .
Otherwise, because , we still hold at least one key of type after we open a box of type (and destroy the key).
Either way, . Therefore, for every child of in , either
1. (if a key of type is in the box we just opened), or
2. and so there is a path from to and then to .
So can still reach very vertex in .
By induction hypothesis, the remaining can also be opened.
By the proof of the theorem, there is a simple algorithm to open all boxes: open any box unless you have just one key of that type and box does not contain a key that can open itself.
However, this algorithm may not yield a "lexicographically smallest" way to open the boxes.
The solve the problem, you should open the box with smallest number such that either this box is the last one of type or there is still a way to get a type key.