松鼠URL 2010-12-01
Posted by tjwei on 星期三, 12月 01, 2010 with No comments
用一張圖來為 Git 快速入門 (流程圖解)
睡眠者效應(Sleeper Effect):當下被拒絕,但其實已經成功了
他們以為已經「拒絕」了美國政府的「強迫推銷」,但其實,美國政府早就已經成功的 鑽入竄入他們的心裡了
公平分割问题:均衡分割与免嫉妒分 割
'Introspection' brain networks fully formed at birth
Brain areas thought to be involved in introspection and other aspects of consciousness are fully formed in newborn babies.
Is this evidence that we can see the future?
A controversial paper claims to provide experimental evidence for human precognition – and it's been accepted by a leading social psychology journal
Galois releases the Haskell Lightweight Virtual Machine (HaLVM)
The HaLVM is a port of the GHC runtime system to the Xen hypervisor, allowing programmers to create Haskell programs that run directly on Xen’s “bare metal.”
The best scientific theories (that later turned out to be wrong)
Edge Foundation website asked a broad swath of scientists and thinkers to name their favorite long-held theory, which later turned out to be dead wrong
What is Nutika Nutica 是一個 python compiler,可以完整的將 python 翻譯成 C++。沒有試過,但是看起來跟 shedskin 和 rpy 不太一樣,比較類似 cython,需要 libpython。
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